Class Project

Don't be content.

...either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.
— Benjamin Franklin


Class Service Projects


One of the key components of Leadership Grundy is service to our local community. To graduate the program, each participating class must plan, gain approval for, and complete a service project focused on improving the lives of our citizens. Previous classes have helped to promote healthy living, brought new businesses to the area, fulfilled needs for local nonprofits, and organized community events. 




Class Project Guidelines:

  • Each class will design, organize and develop a project that will benefit the county.  The class may choose more than one project, depending on the size of the projects and the number of participants in the class.
  • The class members will select a chairperson to assume leadership and give direction to the project.
  • Deadline dates are established to assist in plans for completion, unless the project is determined to be an on-going project.
  • Once a project is selected, it should be presented to the Board for approval.
  • Once the project is approved by the Board, plans for budgeting the project should be made.  Funds may include donations, some type of fund-raising, or possible assistance from the Leadership Grundy annual budget.
  • The project will be presented at the annual graduation in May or June.
  • Facilitate access in business, government, and community.
  • Create a communications network among people of diverse backgrounds and interest from all areas of Grundy County.
  • To create opportunities for persons of demonstrated commitment to the community to meet and share experience and ideas.
  • Encourage increased responsibility and commitment to participants’ local communities, and to the larger community of Grundy County.
  • Provide participants a comprehensive understanding of the “workings” of local governmental offices and the judicial system.

What you do has far greater impact than what you say.
— Stephen Covey